A downloadable game for Windows and Android

The first scientific platformer is a game in which the main character Maestro fights against the mob, cattle, trash and obscurantism, with the help of the latest unparalleled vaccine "Genius V".


Bitcoin: bc1qy0jh9fr9jwcx22pqm6gc874ar3kt9s03paswt3

Ethereum (ETH): 0x136d2338f737405f3ba112f28e78af44f5783672 

Tether USDt (ERC-20 Ethereum ETH) : 0x136d2338f737405f3ba112f28e78af44f5783672 

TRON (TRX): TRpeyQLTEqR5eEhM1BAFbwi7qqm3bCvwZu 

USDC (ERC-20 Ethereum ETH): 0x136d2338f737405f3ba112f28e78af44f5783672 

Dodgecoin: DRxjmpvwMi3CjPTovqAe7N4QHk7JvNbgkq


MaestroPlatformet for Windows.rar 267 MB
maestroplatformer.apk 301 MB

Install instructions

For Windows: unzip the archive, run the file maestro.exe

For Android: open maestroplatformer.apk, allow access to files.

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