A downloadable game for Windows and Android

The year is 2026. The SVINID-2025 virus pandemic has swept the planet. In a panic, scientists at the MIT developed a molecular vaccine, Virus-Z. The use of the vaccine on pigs by Soviet Pork Factory LLC gave an unexpected result - the pigs rebelled. In three days, the pigs destroyed the pigsty and captured the Chernobaevka military base. People fled in panic from Sovietsk-City. Trainee detective general Natalli Sosakina was entrusted with resisting the pig invasion. The operation was codenamed "SPO: Panther Jump".

Gameplay video:


Bitcoin: bc1qy0jh9fr9jwcx22pqm6gc874ar3kt9s03paswt3

Ethereum (ETH): 0x136d2338f737405f3ba112f28e78af44f5783672 

Tether USDt (ERC-20 Ethereum ETH) : 0x136d2338f737405f3ba112f28e78af44f5783672 

TRON (TRX): TRpeyQLTEqR5eEhM1BAFbwi7qqm3bCvwZu 

USDC (ERC-20 Ethereum ETH): 0x136d2338f737405f3ba112f28e78af44f5783672 

Dodgecoin: DRxjmpvwMi3CjPTovqAe7N4QHk7JvNbgkq


SPOPantherJump.apk 643 MB
SPOPantherJump for Windows x64.rar 706 MB

Install instructions

Minimum system requirements

PC version: 

Operating system Windows 7 and higher

Processor 2GHz, 4 cores


Mobile version: 

Android 11 

Processor 2GHz 8 cores


For Windows: unpack the archive, run the file SPOPantherJump.exe 

For Android: disable Google protection, click install.

PC control

Walk - W A S D

Run - W A S D + LShift

Pick up a weapon - F

Drop a weapon - G

Get into the vehicle - F

Select weapon - Tab

Fire - Left mouse

Second Fire - Center mouse

Aiming - Right mouse

Reloading - R

Crouch - C

Jump - Space

Climb over the fence - W + Space

Shelter - Q

Fighting - E

Music - Num 2 (Play), Num 3 (Next), Num 1(Prev), Num 0(Stop)


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nice prototype